Public Pop Up Sculpture Park
Greville Smyth Park 26th & 27th September

Funded and Supported by the Impact and Innovation Summer Scholarship Award
This September 26th and 27th I hosted a free Public Pop Up Sculpture Park in Greville Smyth Park, Southville Bristol which was supported by UWE's Impact and Innovation Enterprise Scholarship and with support of Bristol City Council. It consisted of a curated exhibition with works from my self and two other artists Liza Dickson and Bella Harrison Fletcher. It surrounded themes of the sensuous and perception. The aim was to create a format of an exhibition that during Covid-19 people could access safely and experience something in real life when so much of the art world has shifted on to the internet. The response was very interesting as it differed from a regular exhibition as we had access to a group of people generally did not partake in the art scene. There is potential for us to take this sculpture park on tour in other Bristol parks or even further.

Textile piece by Liza Dickson

Textile piece by Liza Dickson

Textile piece by Liza Dickson

Textile piece by Liza Dickson

Sculpture by Bella Harrison Fletcher

Sculpture by Bella Harrison Fletcher

Sculpture by Bella Harrison Fletcher